Last year I had an amazing opportunity to interview
“CSI:Miami” star
Eva La Rue about her beauty secrets. Eva was such pleasure to chat with. She was the sweetest!
I would like to share with my interview with Eva La Rue, just in case you’ve missed it.
Eva La Rue is the beautiful actress best known for her role of Natalia Boa Vista on CSI: Miami. Beginning season 5, Eva became a full-time cast member. Previous to CSI: Miami, Eva La Rue portrayed Dr. Maria Santos Grey on All My Children. In this interview, Eva La Rue reveals some of her beauty secrets, her romantic engagement in Africa, what some people may not know about her, and her movie with Samuel L. Jackson called: Lakeview Terrace.

I keep my hair beautiful thanks to…
I have really oily hair, I have girlfriends who can go three days without washing their hair. My hair gets oily overnight. I do use a dry shampoo that extends my wash by one day, but no more than that. I use a Fortifying Deep Conditioning Sleek & Shine by Fructis by Garnier. It also works really well when you want to dry your hair straight.
My favorite skincare products are…
I use Astara Bio Genic Skincare. Of all the creams I have used, it’s the only brand I re-buy. Astara is by far the most active. It supposed to be all natural too. Sometimes I see their masks at Sephora but I don’t think they carry the whole line, so I always order Astara Skincare products online.
I get my eyelashes looking long, full, and sexy using…
Revita-Lash. It’s pricey, $140, but it really works. It gives you spider leg long lashes. I was skeptical first. But for some reason, I put on false eye lashes, I pulled them and it pulled a whole chunk of my lashes, so I was desperate. You have to give it 3 weeks to work, and then you notice you have Daddy Long Leg size eye lashes.
The best lip-gloss I ever owned…
Yves Saint Laurent Touche Brilliance Sparkling Touch For Lips in Golden Sand. You apply it same way as Yves Sain Laurent’s Touche Eclat Radiant Touche, which I love and is also my favorite.
My signature fragrance is…
I really love Kai Perfume Oil. I also love Diptyque L’Ombre dans L’Eau.
The one beauty product you will always find in my purse is…
Yves Saint Laurents’s Touche Eclat Radiant Touche under-eye concealer, and my Yves Saint Laurent Touche Brilliance Sparkling Touch, lip gloss.
My number one beauty secret is…
Exfoliate my skin at least couple times a week with a Green Papaya Mask by Astara.
The celebrity I find most beautiful is…
Salma Hayek.

My favorite way to relax…
I love a spa day twice a year. With all my best intentions it stills happens only twice a year.
The city I love the most…
I love New York City for its energy. Pebble Beach, Carmel Beach and that all area, for its completely laid back energy. Paris for the charm, shopping and the glamour.
One or two things some people may not know about me…
That I really have to curb my terrible language. And, deep down I’m a lazy person in a constantly moving body. Because I rather be lazy but I never get to be. In my heart I’m a lazy person.
I am currently working on…
I have a movie coming up this summer with Samuel L. Jackson called: Lakeview Terrace. And this hiatus year I got engaged. We got engaged in Africa. We went for two weeks and we just got back. We had the most awesome time in Africa. We went on a Safari, and it was just an unbelievable trip. I have been using this hiatus to see the world a little bit. I’m totally enjoying my time off. And this season is going to be my fourth season at CSI Miami. We had a break during the writer’s strike, then we started to work 6 days a week on as many shows as we can to make up for the hiatus. We went on hiatus first week of May. I saw a dress in South Africa that I really love, we are giving a pretty good thought to go back to Africa and get married. Because we had such a great time there.
Talking Makeup would like to thank Eva so much for sharing with us some of her secrets. You can learn more about Eva at her official website: or visit the home for CSI Miami: